It's not carbs that count, it's calories. Eating too much calories weather they are carbohydrates, proteins and fats will contribute to weight gain. If you cut out carbs from your diet your body will convert protein into glucose, so cutting out carbohydrates does not mean cutting out "calorie" if you are replacing it with food that contain same amount of calories.
Not all carbs are same, their type, quality and quantity in our diet is important. There are three types of carbohydrates.
  • Sugar
  • Starch
  • Fibers
Sugar is naturally found in fruits, honey, milk and can be added to fruits and drinks artificially like in chocolates and soft drinks etc
Starch found in food that come from plants like bread, rice,potatoes and pasta.
Fibers present in whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta,vegetables with skin on, beans and pulses. Fibers found in whole grain version of starchy carbs are good for your health. Research shows that diet high in fiber associated with lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer. Fibers can promote good bowel movement and reduce the risk of constipation and some have shown to reduce cholesterol level. They also add bulk to your food, keeping you full for a long time. They release sugar in blood stream more slowly than sugary foods and drinks.
Carbohydrates are only fuel source for many vital organs like brain, central nervous system and kidney. Our brain cannot work without glucose. If more glucose is consumed than it can be stored as glycogen and release when needed. But if its amount is too much in blood that insulin can't restore balance by transporting sugar to cells for energy than liver plays a role and turn glucose into triglycerides that is stored in adipose tissues. This all done by insulin as it is responsible for body fat storage.
Cutting out carbohydrates from diet leads to constipation, and it can put you at increased risk of deficiency
in certain nutrients. Any food can be fattening if you over eat it, watch potion size to avoid over eating.


