It is said so because both are high in fats and calories. If overeating of nuts is considered than we can say that nuts are as bad as junk food. Otherwise there are a lot of benefits that are given by nuts to us and junk food gives us nothing but harm and diseases.
Nuts are considered high calorie healthy food, only small amount of them contain a lot of calories, nuts help in lowering LDL which has major role in development of plaque that builds up on blood vessel. 80 percent of nuts are fats even though most of this fat is healthy like mono unsaturated, poly unsaturated and omega-3 fatty acid which is good for heart and help in lowering blood cholesterol. American heart association recommends eating about 4 servings of unsalted nuts per week. Regular intake of nuts prevent heart diseases. When trying to lose weight nuts can be helpful, because our body cannot absorb all calories from nuts.They contain fiber which make you feel full,so you eat less. Fibers also help in preventing type 2 diabetes, they are low in carbs and are helpful in diabetes. They also contain antioxidants.
  • Brazil nuts are ideal for those with low thyroid function.
  • If you avoid dairy, almonds are good choice to ensure that you are getting enough of calcium.
  • Cashews delay age related memory loss.
  • pecans are heart friendly and contain plant sterol.
  • pistachio contain lutien and xeaxantin.
Eating too much nuts has a lot of side effects and in this case they are same like eating junk food. weight gain, hair loss, muscle/joint ache and nail brittleness are some of them. Eating too much Brazil nuts can cause selenium poisoning in rare cases. Roasted nuts with salt and unhealthy fats are not good for health.Its important to limit portions , eat in moderation, eat raw and without salt as nature made them.On the other hand junk foods are high in fats, sugar and calories, providing very few nutrients. Consuming junk food in small amount is not a big problem,but on regular basis they can lead to many health problems like cancer, diabetes, hormone imbalance and heart diseases etc.


