If it came from plant eat it,if it was made from plant don't. Eat real food in their natural state and get all the nutrients without dangerous additives. Raw food is considered healthier than cooked and processed food. It is true in case of processed food, so eat less from box and more from earth. Sometimes cooked food is more healthier.
Raw food is the food that is not pasteurized or produce with the use of synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers,industrial solvents, chemical food additives and also not cooked. Eating this food means you are avoiding or greatly reducing packaged and processed foods found in grocery stores like refined oil, processed meat,bread,cheese etc.
Raw food help to alkalize the body and reduce acidity. A condition called "acidosis" developed when acid level rises in the body , it lowers immunity and body become more vulnerable to diseases . Acid level rises due to stress , environmental pollutants, refined food, lack of nutrients and by drinking mineral deficient water, cooked food also create acidity. This food also help in weight loss as you consume a lot of fibers and nutrients, it is low in calories, sodium, fats and based on healthy whole plant food, keeps you full for long time, curb your cravings and make you eat less.
There are two types of enzymes, endogenous that are produced by body and exogenous that are taken from outside mainly in diet. Raw food supply exogenous enzymes that help in digestion. The greater our intake enzyme, the easier we have fully digested nutrients without overly taxing our system. The patients with cancer, heart disease, blood pressure, headache, Parkinson's, autoimmune disorder and joint pain can get benefit from this food . It helps in lowering inflammation, preventing cancer, clearing up your skin, preventing nutrient deficiencies, improving digestion, improving heart health,etc.
Cooking food can improve its taste but also destroys nutrients, as it tends to destabilize some of their valuable enzymes and destroy certain antioxidants and vitamins. Many food that are high in antioxidants cannot survive high temperature as phytonutrients do not stand up well at this temperature. Heat liable point is the temperature at which food starts to be depleted of nutrients because chemical configuration starts to change within the food, enzymes are lost and food become less beneficial. Enzymes boost digestion and fight chronic diseases so when you cook it, you kill it. But some uncooked and unpasteurized food leads to food borne illness so you need to wash and cook food properly. Some food also contain bacteria and microorganism that are only eliminated by cooking. Raw food is difficult in chewing and improperly chewed food leads to gas and bloating.
Some foods are better to eat raw and some food are healthier when you cooked them, so eat a combination of cooked and raw food for maximum health benefits. Focus on nutrients dense food rather than energy dense processed food. Move your food intake to one that's more natural, nutrient dense and unprocessed.



